A community effort to collect a curated set of open-source analysis pipelines built using Nextflow.
Keeping you informed of the latest maintainers discussions
Getting onto the right path
Everything is going crate
A weekly drop-in sessions to connect and work together.
What flavour of the nf-core template do you prefer?
nf-core containers automation: how it’ll all work behind the curtain
What Seqera Containers is and why we want to move to it.
The nf-core pipeline for comparing ortholog predictions
The nf-core callingcards workflow
Divide et impera
The nf-core fgbio Best Practices FASTQ to Consensus Pipeline
A new initiative - weekly drop-in sessions to connect and work together.
Spring cleaning 🧹
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
The distributed / online global hackathon
A new place to collaborate with others working in your field
Out with the old, in with the new
Why not come to Stockholm in February? 🥶
TUI or not TUI? That is the question.
A new blog for nf-core is launched! Here’s what you can expect.
How to plan your project, estimate resources, and share your results.