
Each nf-core module includes a meta.yml file that describes its structure. However, the initial design of this file didn’t reflect the actual organization of the module’s input and output channels. Instead of grouping elements by channel, they were all listed at the top level. This made it difficult to understand the channel structure and led to problems such as missing descriptions for multiple meta maps.
process BWA_MEM {
    tuple val(meta) , path(reads)
    tuple val(meta2), path(index)
    tuple val(meta3), path(fasta)
    val   sort_bam
    tuple val(meta), path("*.bam"),  emit: bam,     optional: true
    tuple val(meta), path("*.cram"), emit: cram,    optional: true
    tuple val(meta), path("*.csi"),  emit: csi,     optional: true
    tuple val(meta), path("*.crai"), emit: crai,    optional: true
    path "versions.yml",             emit: versions
name: bwa_mem
    - meta:
        type: map
        description: Groovy Map containing sample information
    - reads:
        type: file
        description: List of input FastQ files.
    - index:
        type: file
        description: BWA genome index files
        pattern: "*.{amb,ann,bwt,pac,sa}"
    - fasta:
        type: file
        description: Reference genome in FASTA format
        pattern: "*.{fasta,fa}"
    - sort_bam:
        type: boolean
        description: use samtools/sort (true) or samtools/view (false)
    - meta:
        type: file
        description: Output BAM file containing read alignments
        pattern: "*.{bam}"
    - bam:
        type: file
        description: Output BAM file containing read alignments
        pattern: "*.{bam}"
    - cram:
        type: file
        description: Output CRAM file containing read alignments
        pattern: "*.{cram}"
    - csi:
        type: file
        description: Optional index file for BAM file
        pattern: "*.{csi}"
    - crai:
        type: file
        description: Optional index file for CRAM file
        pattern: "*.{crai}"
    - versions:
        type: file
        description: File containing software versions
        pattern: "versions.yml"
Old file structure

(All files shown in this post are a simplified version of and meta.yml files, to show the structure of input and output channels.)

In October 2024 we updated all nf-core modules (Github Pull Request) to ensure they properly define their input and output channel structures.
process BWA_MEM {
    tuple val(meta) , path(reads)
    tuple val(meta2), path(index)
    tuple val(meta3), path(fasta)
    val   sort_bam
    tuple val(meta), path("*.bam"),  emit: bam,     optional: true
    tuple val(meta), path("*.cram"), emit: cram,    optional: true
    tuple val(meta), path("*.csi"),  emit: csi,     optional: true
    tuple val(meta), path("*.crai"), emit: crai,    optional: true
    path "versions.yml",             emit: versions
name: bwa_mem
    - - meta:
            type: map
            description: Groovy Map containing sample information
        - reads:
            type: file
            description: |
            List of input FastQ files of size 1 and 2 for single-end and paired-end data,
    - - meta2:
            type: map
            description: Groovy Map containing reference information.
        - index:
            type: file
            description: BWA genome index files
            pattern: "*.{amb,ann,bwt,pac,sa}"
    - - meta3:
            type: map
            description: Groovy Map containing sample information
        - fasta:
            type: file
            description: Reference genome in FASTA format
            pattern: "*.{fasta,fa}"
    - - sort_bam:
            type: boolean
            description: use samtools sort (true) or samtools view (false)
            pattern: "true or false"
    - bam:
        - meta:
            type: file
            description: Groovy Map containing sample information
        - "*.bam":
            type: file
            description: Output BAM file containing read alignments
            pattern: "*.{bam}"
    - cram:
        - meta:
            type: file
            description: Groovy Map containing sample information
        - "*.cram":
            type: file
            description: Output CRAM file containing read alignments
            pattern: "*.{cram}"
    - csi:
        - meta:
            type: file
            description: Groovy Map containing sample information
        - "*.csi":
            type: file
            description: Optional index file for BAM file
            pattern: "*.{csi}"
    - crai:
        - meta:
            type: file
            description: Groovy Map containing sample information
        - "*.crai":
            type: file
            description: Optional index file for CRAM file
            pattern: "*.{crai}"
    - versions:
        - versions.yml:
            type: file
            description: File containing software versions
            pattern: "versions.yml"
New file structure

We also introduced linting checks to nf-core/tools to ensure the proper structure of meta.yml files.

Together with these linting checks, we also introduced a new flag to the nf-core modules lint command: --fix. This flag will try to fix all the possible lint failures related to the meta.yml file.

Introducing ontologies

Together with these changes, we also added the identifier of the tool. is a community-driven registry of bioinformatics software and data resources. It provides information about software tools, databases, analysis workflows, and services that are used in bioinformatics and the life sciences.

name: bwa_mem
    - bwa:
          description: |
              BWA is a software package for mapping DNA
              sequences against a large reference genome, such as the human genome. homepage:
          arxiv: arXiv:1303.3997
          licence: ["GPL-3.0-or-later"]
          identifier: "biotools:bwa"

This ID opened new possibilities, such as being able to know the inputs and outputs of the tool and the ontology terms for input and output files.

We now use this information to generate a suggestion of input and output channels when creating a module with nf-core modules create (available as of February 2025 on the dev version of nf-core/tools and it will be released as part of nf-core/tools 3.3.0) So modifying the freshly created template of a module will be easier.

Here we show an example of the template generated when creating a module for the BWA tool, using the same example as before.
process BWA_MEM {
    tag "$"
    label 'process_single'
    // TODO nf-core: See section in main README for further information regarding finding and adding container addresses to the section below.
    conda "${moduleDir}/environment.yml"
    container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ?
        'biocontainers/bwa:0.7.18--h577a1d6_2' }"
    // TODO nf-core: Update the information obtained from and make sure that it is correct
    tuple val(meta), path(sequence)
    tuple val(meta2), path(genome_index)
    // TODO nf-core: Update the information obtained from and make sure that it is correct
    tuple val(meta), path("*.{}"), emit: genome_index
    tuple val(meta), path("*.{}"), emit: alignment
    tuple val(meta), path("*.{}"), emit: sequence_coordinates
    tuple val(meta), path("*.{}"), emit: sequence_alignment
    path "versions.yml"          , emit: versions

And we populate a section ontologies of files described in the meta.yml.

name: "bwa_mem"
    - - meta:
            type: map
            description: |
            Groovy Map containing sample information
            e.g. `[ id:'sample1' ]`
        - sequence:
            # TODO nf-core: Update the information obtained from and make sure that it is correct
            type: file
            description: sequence file
            pattern: "*.{fastq}"
            - edam: "" # Sequence
            - edam: "" # FASTQ
    - - meta:
            type: map
            description: |
            Groovy Map containing sample information
            e.g. `[ id:'sample1' ]`
        - genome_index:
            # TODO nf-core: Update the information obtained from and make sure that it is correct
            type: file
            description: genome_index file
            pattern: "*.{}"
            - edam: "" # Genome index

Ontologies are specified under the ontologies key, which contains a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents a single ontology URL, with the key indicating the ontology type (currently EDAM ontology) and the value being the URL itself. This structure allows for easy adoption of other ontologies in the future.

Using nf-core helper tools

As mentioned before, we updated the nf-core/tools package to make creating and updating modules easier.

  • nf-core modules create: Will automatically fetch a ID when possible, and use the information provided by this to populate intput and output channels in the and meta.yml.
  • nf-core modules lint: Will make sure that the channels defined in the are properly described in the meta.yml.
  • nf-core modules lint --fix: Will try to correct the inputs and outputs on meta.yml to match the file. It will add ontology URLs if missing, guessing them from the pattern value.

Future potential

These additions open the door to new possibilities. For example knowing the exact inputs and outputs of modules, subworkflows and workflows, makes automated chaining of these components easier.

Published on
24 February 2025