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This week, Phil Ewels (@ewels) will show how to configure lint tests.
Video transcription
The content has been edited to make it reader-friendly
nf-core create
, which made me a new empty pipeline. Then I updated the modules and I cleared out some of the template stuff so that we’re up and running with a clean pipeline. If I do git log
, you can see I’ve just got two commits from when we started preparation for this talk and just resolving the link warnings.
Now, what is code linting or linter? Basically, a code linter has a set of rules about how code should look and how it should work. It checks the code and gives you passes or failures in a series of tests. Typically, when you talk about code linters, you’re also talking about code formatting. So, for example, you can have a JavaScript or JSON code formatter or Python code formatter. These have linting tests where they look at the code and they can also reformat the code for you. We’re not talking about that today. The nf-core linter doesn’t have anything to do with code formatting. It’s just a set of rules and it’s a way to inspect code for standardization. The linting has been around for nf-core since we started the project and is a fairly crucial part of how we work. It allows the community to scale because we do so much work with code review where other people are reviewing code that you’re writing. Having a set of automated tests means that we can be a bit more confident that things are adhering to the principles and not breaking stuff without having to check really, really carefully. By automating the things that we are commonly asking for, it streamlines this process of code review and makes the general code quality better. This is pretty much how the nf-core lint tools have evolved over time. It started off with a couple of minor things. Every time we’ve come across the same thing a few times in a pull request, we say we should write a lint test for that so we can automatically test for this thing again in the future.
Another thing that’s really important about it is it makes sure that everybody stays up to date with all the latest things, guidelines and rules for nf-core because these change over time. We have updates in the nf-core template and we do template synchronization, and all this stuff, and that rolls along. What happens is if you keep running nf-core lints on your code base over time, as retooling updates along with the template, you’ll start to get failures where before it was passing. That’s because it says it checks the code in your pipeline against the template. In some places it says this should be the same as the template. It’s either out of date or you’ve edited it and that’s a bad thing. So it also forces everyone to stay up to date and in sync. That’s why we have retooling. That’s why we have nf-core linting.
If I do nf-core help
, you’ll see that it’s one of the commands here, commands for developers. The basic one is nf-core lint
. You can also call it just specifically for modules. So it’s an nf-core modules lint
and that calls just a subset of those tests. But generally speaking, you just do nf-core lint
and it just checks everything. I’m currently sat in my working directory as the root of the pipeline. Here it’s run 182 different tests and they all passed and nothing failed. That’s great! When I push commits and open pull requests to GitHub and things, we have automated continuous integration tests, zero tests, and they run the same command on the code. That means when you open a pull request, those tests automatically run and you get a green tick or red cross saying whether this is good or bad. We have different statuses that the tests can have: they can be passed, they can fail (which obviously is bad) and they can throw warnings. With warnings, they don’t actually fail the CI, so you’ll still get a green tick. But it tells you in the text message when you check the text that there’s something which is maybe not ideal. Hopefully when you’re creating pull requests, you also get a little comment automatically added, which summarizes the results in the body of the pull request. To give you visibility, especially for these warnings, which might fly under the radar otherwise.
What we’re particularly interested about today is this category of tests, which are ignored. I’m going to come on and tell you how to ignore CI tests. But first, let’s make something fail. So if I open up VS Code here, this is my pipeline that I’ve just created. I’m going to dig in as different, lots of different tests which I could make fail. But I’m going to start off by doing something very simple. We’ve got the readme file here. One of the tests checks that the nf-core readmes look like nf-core readmes. All nf-core readmes have these badges at the top. I’ll show you what I mean if I go to RNA-Seq. Go to and look at the main readme on when you load up the repo. It’s got these badges along the top, which says it works with Nextflow and you need this version or whatever. We have a lint test that checks these badges are there and correctly formatted and consistent. For example, it says the minimum version of Nextflow you need. You also define that in the config file down here. It’s quite easy to let these two fall out of sync. We have a lint test which checks this button in the readme. Simple. So I’m going to break it by deleting those. It’s gone. The markdown file is still totally valid. It just doesn’t have any of the buttons at the top.
OK, so proof of principle, nf-core lint now should hopefully fail. OK, it didn’t fail. It gave us a warning. Close enough. Really important about this is, when you see these warnings, you get a summary text saying didn’t have a Nextflow minimum version badge. But it might be that you don’t completely understand what the message is or it’s a bit unclear. Most browsers will handle these hyperlinks in the terminal and where it says readme, that’s the identifier for this test. If I hold, I’m on a Mac, so if I hold command, I think on Linux and Windows, it’s control. I can click that and it’s going to open up a tab in my web browser and it’s going to go specifically to the test ID called “readme”. This is where we have longer form documentation about this specific lint test. Here you can see it says it needs to have a Nextflow badge and it should look like this and it should be the right thing. It should have a bioconda badge and everything. So this is where the long form documentation about these lint tests are. You can also find it if you go to tools and then somewhere under tools. I always forget. Anyway, you follow that link here and it tells you all about it.
I noticed that this is quite specific, it’s not just editing the whole file, but it’s just this part of the readme file is checked and there are other ones as well. If I go into, let me see, assets, multiqc.config, do foo: bar
, then I should get, I think, a failure about editing the multiqc file. And… no. OK, I managed to do something right there. But anyway, there’s certain files where you can get a failure for putting stuff at the start, but if you stick it at the end, it will be valid and things. That test is, I think, called “files unchanged” here. So I should have picked one which is actually tested. These ones, you can add extra stuff and see - the gitignore file, for example. So, yeah, these are all different lint tests and they’re documented here.
Obviously I could fix this readme file by putting the badges back in, rerunning a template, etc, or reading the documentation and seeing what’s required. But in this case, maybe I don’t want to do that. Maybe I’m building outside of nf-core and I don’t want to have the nf-core badges at the top and I want to do my own thing. That’s fine. How do I go about doing that? I need to ignore this test! The way I do that is when you run nf-core create
, you get a config file for nf-core, this one, “.nf-core.yml”, which is a hidden file. Depending on how you’re looking at your files, you may need to show hidden files. In here, by default, we just have this. It just says this repository is a pipeline. This has to do with working with modules. But I can add a new key in here called “lint”. Under “lint”, I’m going to give the name of the test that failed, which is called “readme”. I’m going to set it to false. I’m going to hit save. That’s what it is. I’m going to rerun linting now. Now it says pipeline test ignored. It just says it didn’t run this test. Because of that, nothing failed and everything’s fine. That’s basically all there is to it.
If there are any of these lint tests you don’t like that you are sure that it’s doing what you want it to be doing, then you can just say ignore this test and it will be ignored. This is quite a blunt tool. I’ve just ignored this entire lint test called “readme”. For example, if I go in and I change… let’s do “files exist” here. So I’m going to delete the editor config file. nf-core lint
. Then it should throw a failure because this is a required file and it’s not there. So it takes me here. Now I could do files_exist: false
and that will disable the entire lint test. That’s fine. That makes everything work. But it’s a bit of a blunt tool because now it’s not checking for the presence of any files. So it’s allowing me to delete that one file, but it’s now not checking for the presence of any of these files, which is maybe overkill because it was just that one file I care about. Now, some of the lint tests then allow you to provide a bit more information. In this case, what was the file I deleted? Editor config. Instead of just saying “false”, I can actually give the name of the file there. I think it has to be a list. Now, when I run this again, hopefully it should still pass. But now it ignores just that one specific file. So this isn’t possible for every single one nf-core lint tests, you have to check the documentation. But certainly “files_exist” and “files_unchanged”, which are probably two of the ones which come up the most frequently.
You can specify exactly which files you want to ignore and then you keep the value of the rest of the lint test there, which checks all the other stuff, which is generally a good thing. Right. 13.14, that’s my 15 minutes. It’s a very short and sharp bytesize talk this time. Very specific about this one thing. But hopefully that’s helpful. Hopefully this will be a useful resource for anyone coming back to this in the future, asking about how lint configs work. If you have any questions or feedback or suggestions, then please shout and I’ll do my best to answer any questions if there are any now. Fran back to you.
(host) Yeah. Hi. So everyone can unmute themselves if they want to and just ask the question right away. I don’t see anything coming up for now. I mean, you don’t have to ask now. Obviously, as usual, you can come to Slack, either ask your questions in #bytesize or in the #help. As usual, I would like to thank the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative for funding the talks, of course, Phil, for this very-short-notice talk today and the audience for listening.
Also, just say on Slack that there’s a Slack channel called Linting. I think it’s called Linting, which is the place to go for any specific questions about Linting when you’re generally confused.
(host) Yeah, I should have known there’s always a Slack channel for everything. Thank you, Phil.