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This week Edmund Miller (@edmundmiller) will share with us his impressions about nf-test from a user perspective. nf-test is a simple test framework for Nextflow pipelines.
Video transcription
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nf-core modules test
. And that’s a great utility. And it’s been a great way for people to test things locally and rerun them. But it’s a lot to maintain on our side and change and update it and it keeps us from wanting to progress forward on those. We want to keep the infrastructure the same so that we can focus on actually writing the Nextflow modules.
There’s a couple of problems though with Pytest workflow. As great as it’s been, I’ve loved it. And it’s been a huge step up from nothing and being able to actually specify tests and lay them out. The issue is that we have no native support for Nextflow profiles, which is a real power of Nextflow. So we can’t multiplex Docker Singularity Conda. And yes, we’ve come up with several hacks to get around that in CI and locally. But it’s really difficult to reproduce locally and explain to new users of like, okay, well, Nextflow lets you do -profile
, but then here you have to specify it before the workflow. And it’s a lot of caveats for a new user and a new contributor. Whereas nf-test allows you to just do -profile
just like Nextflow would. And so it’s a lot easier for new users to say, okay, I want to test with Docker and you jump right off to that. There’s not as many gotchas.
The other issue that I really had with Pytest workflow is the pipeline output was tough to find locally. You had to go dig through “temp”. The directory changed every time. You can really go figure out where your output was for your Nextflow workflow. We wanted to convert Pytest workflow or convert all the CI to Pytest workflows. Why were we putting that off across the board? We had done it in a few places and Sarek had done it in all of it’s tests as well and done lots of extensive work. But it was a lot of manual work to get all the md5sums for the files that we wanted. And the testing stopped there if you can test for all the files and you can test for md5sums and you can do contains and other stuff as well with Pytest workflow. But it was a lot of manual work to get all those there.
We can build new infrastructure like we did for the Nextflow or the nf-core modules and start to build all that and box ourselves back into a corner as well for this rather than just relying on a different framework to do that. The other big complaint that I had for Pytest workflow for pipelines was I could never get local modules working with the bin properly for the mocks that I wrote. With nf-test, it just works out of the box.
After all of that, now a quick intro to nf-test. All you need to do to get started is a simple curl, which if you’ve installed Nextflow at this point, you’re pretty familiar with. It’s also Java and groovy based and runs with Nextflow. We’re hoping to have the nf-test folks back on for a more in-depth technical talk on this. We just want to get started on it. So the next command that you’ll run is nf-test init
. This just sets up the testing config for you and creates a testing directory and a default test config. You can play around with those. We haven’t come up with the perfect best practice yet for what we want for the nf-core standard to be on that.
The next thing that I think is really, really powerful is they already have a generate
command. So you can generate all of these tests for your pipeline and workflows processes. And also really importantly, we haven’t tested the full ability of it’s functions. Lastly I think that’ll really start to change things, especially as we were starting to change to checking our sample sheet with groovy, that might help us specify those and lock some of that down. Lastly, you just have to run nf-test after writing all of those tests. That will generate all of the boilerplate that you need for basic smoke tests of all the processes, workflows, functions, et cetera.
Now a quick little walkthrough of some code. This is just a quick test that I wrote in demultiplex, and I don’t think the highlighting’s working yet. Oh no, there we go. What’s really cool here is, we can start to specify params. So if you’ve gone through and done this in your workflows and thrown it into GitHub Actions and thrown this into a matrix, you know, you start to feel limited after you get to one or two, or you start to really specify out an entire test and it’s just not very familiar. I believe you can parameterize these as well. So you can change your inputs and change various params for your workflow.
This is just some boilerplate. It boxes each workflow into its own separate execution directory, I believe. Phil and I have had some interesting findings with that. Again, you can check the size. Now what is the really powerful part here is this snapshot feature. What this does is, it basically pulls in the md5sums for you of all of these files. So we have things like metrics, the run manifest here. We have our fastqs that are zipped up and you can specify all these different paths. This actually isn’t a perfect example, because you can just list a directory, I found that really powerful. You can just point it there and then it’ll go through all the files. What that looks like over here is that you get this snapshot file.
What this does is it just creates a quick little snapshot with the md5sums of all those files that you specified. And you can do standard out, standard error, et cetera as well on those based on the workflow. But we found that to be a little hairy for right now. As you can see, this is automated. And whenever you rerun your test, it checks for these md5sums and will tell you. The other thing is it’s really easy when you know you changed some stuff or you know these are going to change. You just run it with the --update-snapshot
flag and it updates all the snapshots for you automatically. Then you just commit this file and it will check again against them.
If we can go back. For files that you can’t md5sum, you can also assert these files and check that they exist as well. That’s one thing. There’s lots of other powerful features as well. You can do regexes and you can also start to build plugins for it, such as checking for FASTA files. I think there’s plans for a VCF checker as well. So I think that’ll be really cool to see what comes out of that.
Let’s talk about some good testing practices as we start to adopt this and start to adopt more testing. I know we have great testing practices in the nf-core tools. So there’s things like test driven development and that’s where you write your test first and then you write your code after. There’s also acceptance driven test driven development. That’s where you start to write your acceptance criteria first and then you write your tests and do your development. There’s behavior driven development, where you start to talk to the team first and then you go through those and start to write your tests and then do your development after that. There’s also pair programming, which is where you write the code, someone else writes the tests, you come together and work on it together. Lastly… just kidding, we’re not going to talk about any of those today.
Those are all great and lots of great things that you should go read about. But I think as a community, we have more important things to focus on. What are some realistic testing priorities? We should probably first convert our CI tests to pipeline tests. I think those are great to reproduce locally and quickly. Next, we can then add more pipeline tests for various params and pathways that you might want to make sure don’t break, I think most people are just testing that all their aligners work and then hope that everything downstream works, whereas you might want to check all of your skips, for example, and make sure that you get the right amount of processes and that certain things aren’t getting run.
Another great practice that I hope that we can adopt is to add tests when fixing bugs in PRs that prove that this bug is fixed and we’re not going to come back to this bug and checking for it in the future so that we don’t end up recreating it. Lastly, I think testing your local modules can go a long way. I think we have a lot of custom scripts that we could do some tests on and make sure that we’re getting the expected output out of those to verify our scientific results. So the TLDR is let’s avoid regressions and move forward with our tests.
A couple of us have been toying around a lot how a roll out plan could look like. This is just a quick update on this and is no way indicative of exactly what’s going to happen. First, we want to start with pipelines as a proving ground because I think that’s where we had the most ground to gain compared to being stuck with just GitHub actions. So it’s already in methyl-seq and demultiplex. If you’re looking for some quick examples and you want to implement this today and switch those over, just that step one, we’re going to need to update the template. I’ve got a PR started for that, but we need to settle on some best practices or how we want to do things so that as you switch between nf-core pipelines and contributing, things are familiar.
We need to do some module infrastructure prep and figure out how we can convert those and run all these tests and what that’s going to look like. We’re waiting for them to come out with tags for nf-test. And then we’ll update the modules as they get changes, hopefully, on those. That will be a roll out as you make a change to a module. You’ll update the tests from the Pytest workflow to nf-test followed by a final push to convert all the modules that didn’t get any love at a hackathon. And with that, I’ll take any questions.
(host) Thank you very much. I am now allowing people to unmute themselves, also to start their videos. Really nice talk. Are there any questions in the audience? I don’t see anything.
(question) Is there any logo for nf-test?
(answer) I don’t think so. You should make an issue for it.
(host) No logo. That can’t stand.
(question cont.) Yes, but definitely logo, stickers. Yes, Marcel, you’re right. I want stickers as well.
(host) Okay, but if there are no other questions, then thank you again, Edmund. And I would also like to thank the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, as usual, for funding these talks. If you have any questions, you can always go to Slack, ask your questions there. I guess for this one, it would be in a general help channel. If you have questions about nf-test or about any testing question. So thank you again.