
Join us online March 18-20, 2024, for the nf-core hackathon! 🗓️

The nf-core hackathon is free and is being held online (we will be back in Gather). Some community members are also hosting local sites.

Please watch the introduction video below to get started:

Key links


Registration is closed for this event.

Online: Gather

The hackathon is being held in a virtual venue on the platform Gather. If you have never used Gather before we have a bytesize video from the March 2022 hackathon that will help you to get started.

To join, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Follow this link to find the Gather space
    • Please note that the hackathon space will not open until the event
  2. Enter the email address you used to register for the hackathon
    • This is the same address from which you received this email
  3. Check your email for a one-time code and enter it into the Gather window
  4. Enter the space and enjoy the hackathon!
Help! I can't access the space!

We will create a safe list of registered participants that will be able to access the hackathon space. Please check which email you used to register for the event. If you still have issues accessing the space, please contact the organizers on Slack.

In person: Local sites

In March 2023 we tried something new: distributed local sites. It was a massive success, with many people volunteering to organise local groups and great feedback all around. In 2024 we hope to replicate and build on that success! 🚀

If you have registered for a local site your local host will be in contact with you to outline site-specific information. For the most recent information about your site as well as the contact details of your organizer please check the event page specific to your local sites.


Even if you are attending a local site you will still join everyone online in Gather.

CountryCityLocationEvent page
🇦🇷 ArgentinaBuenos AiresZS AssociatesRead more
🇧🇪 BelgiumGhentGhent UniversityRead more
🇧🇷 BrazilNatalInstituto do Cérebro - UFRNRead more
🇨🇦 CanadaSherbrookeUniversité de SherbrookeRead more
🇩🇰 DenmarkCopenhagenZS AssociatesRead more
🇫🇷 FranceRennesIGDRRead more
🇩🇪 GermanyBerlinRKIRead more
🇩🇪 GermanyHeidelbergGHGARead more
🇩🇪 GermanyLeipzigMPI-EVARead more
🇩🇪 GermanyTübingenUniversity of TübingenRead more
🇮🇹 ItalyPaviaDept. Biology and Biotechnology - UniPVRead more
🇵🇱 PolandKrakówArdigenRead more
🇪🇸 SpainBarcelonaCRGRead more
🇪🇸 SpainBarcelonaSeqeraRead more
🇸🇪 SwedenStockholmSciLifeLabRead more
🇨🇭 SwitzerlandBernIBU, Uni BernRead more
🇬🇧 United KingdomCambridgeWellcome Genome CampusRead more
🇬🇧 United KingdomDaresburyUKRI Hartree centreRead more
🇬🇧 United KingdomLondonCosyne TherapeuticsRead more
🇬🇧 United KingdomNorwichQuadram Institute BioscienceRead more
🇺🇸 United StatesDallasUniversity of Texas at DallasRead more
🇺🇸 United StatesSan FranciscoSuperfluid DxRead more
🇺🇸 United StatesSeattleUniversity of WashingtonRead more

Please note this is not a training event. See our community foundational training event, being held March 5-6, 2024 for this purpose.


The hackathon will run across all time zones from 10

March 18th - 16
March 20th (CET) 🌎 🌏 🌍

The hackathon schedule is designed to accommodate diverse time zones. If you are attending online please come, go, and take breaks at times that fit your schedule. If you are attending a local site please check the schedule on the corresponding event page above.

We hope to see you all at the hackathon welcome, daily syncs, and final wrap-up. However, if you can’t make it, these will be recorded and can be viewed afterward.

TimeMon. 18 Mar., 2024Tue. 19 Mar., 2024Wed. 20 Mar., 2024













Location: Gather Lecture Theatre







Online Quiz

Location: Gather Lecture Theatre


Daily sync

Location: Gather Lecture Theatre

Daily sync

Location: Gather Lecture Theatre

Final wrap-up

Location: Gather Lecture Theatre








Pre-hackathon checklist

Ensure you have read/signed up/joined/installed the following resources before the hackathon.

How to hack!

We will be a lot of people working in parallel during this hackathon, so to stay organized we have a recommended workflow:

  1. 💬 Chat with your group (on slack or gather town) to get an overview of what is going on.

  2. Join the relevant Slack channel(s) to stay up to date and discuss with your project members.

  3. Find a task to work on using the GitHub Project Board. - If you have something you want to do that’s not there, please make an issue and add it to the board.

  4. :raising_hand: Assign yourself to the issue that you’re currently working on (preferably one issue at a time).

    • This is so that multiple people don’t accidentally work on the same task.
  5. ⏩ When you’re done, make a pull request with your changes.

    • Link it to the issue so that the issue closes when merged.
  6. 📄 Describe your work on the HackMD document for the project and tell the group! 🎉

  7. 📝 While waiting to receive a review - try reviewing someone else’s PR!

  8. ♻️ Repeat!


The hackathon is a great opportunity to work on any nf-core related work that you have been putting off or didn’t have time for. To help you find like-minded people or possible things to work on, we will have the following topics (formally known as groups):


For people who are new to nf-core (but not necessarily new to Nextflow) and need a bit of guidance on where to start.

Please note that attendees are expected to know the basics of working with Nextflow.

Group Leaders



The nf-test group will focus on implementing nf-test within nf-core modules, subworkflows, and pipelines.

Suggested projects / teams:

  • Adding nf-test to existing pipelines
  • Adding nf-test to modules
  • Adding nf-test to subworkflows
  • Improving nf-test documentation and the nf-core documentation on testing

Group Leaders


The pipelines group will focus on any pipeline-related work. This could be a DSL2 conversion of a pipeline, a new or improved feature for a pipeline, or an entirely new pipeline (please let us register a new pipeline already before the hackathon, following our guidelines). These are typically led by the main pipeline developers if they also attend the hackathon.

Suggested projects / teams:

  • Implementing nf-test within pipelines
  • Adding new functionality to existing pipelines
  • Updating pipelines to use the latest nf-core template, via template syncs
  • Teams formed around work on specific pipelines

Group Leaders

Modules & Subworkflows

The modules group welcomes anyone who wants to work on current or new modules + subworkflows at nf-core/modules.

Suggested projects / teams:

  • Implementing nf-test for modules
  • Creating new modules, see issue list
  • Stubs for all modules

Group Leaders


The nf-core website and central tooling are always being improved. If you’d like to make a difference to nf-core without writing any Nextflow code, this is the group for you!

Suggested projects / teams:

  • Subworkflows nf-core/tools infrastructure
  • Template customisation with feature flags
  • Stripped down/customisable nf-core pipeline template
  • New nf-core website features (if you have some expierence with modern JavaScript or want to learn)
  • Improve the devOps for nf-core (GitHub actions, CI/CD, etc.)
  • Add Bioconda ARM support

Group Leaders

Training materials

We are always looking for ways to improve our training materials. If you have ideas for new content, or would like to help improve existing content, this is the group for you!

Suggested projects / teams:

  • Test and improve existing training materials
  • Create new training materials

Group Leaders


If you’re feeling lost in Gather.town, or just want to hang out with other online attendees, look out for Yuk Kei. She’ll be able to steer you in the right direction and get you started with one of the project groups.

Group Leaders

Socials activities

During the hackathon, we will have light-hearted fun and games! Special prizes are up for grabs for the winners!

  • Online quiz
    • Meet in the Gather lecture theater at 3 pm (CEST) on Tuesday, March 19.
    • Local sites have access to the quiz and are free to host it at a time that fits them or join the online one.
    • Winners will receive a prize!
  • Scavenger Hunt
    • Join the #hackathon-march-2024-scavengerhunt Slack channel.
    • Take photos of you completing as many challenges as you can and share them on the channel!
    • Winners will receive a prize!
  • Hidden socks in Gather
    • Take screenshots of as many as you can find!
    • There are 5 socks that will be hidden in Gather during the hackathon.
    • When you screenshot of all 5 socks send them to Chris Hakkaart on Slack
    • The first 3 winners will win a prize!
  • Hackathon bingo
    • Grab your bingo card and record your typical hackathon situations.
  • Pizza! (local sites only)
    • Many thanks to Seqera for sponsoring gift cards for pizzas during the event.

All social activities are of course optional, but we hope to see as many people joining in as possible.

Code of conduct

Please note that by attending the hackathon you are agreeing to abide by our Code of Conduct.